Monday, November 23, 2009

Soccer Blog and other sports

Well here we go. A blog on soccer... woo. haha. Soccer was my life when i was younger. Nowadays I prefer volleyball. Beach volleyball to be specific. OK, back to soccer... this town is a horrible place for soccer players. For the most part it is the last sport on most people's mind. Oh well, whatcha gonna do? If anyone wants to play in the park, or anywhere for that matter, look me up, I'll be there in a second. Any input anybody?
I'm going to try to get a volleyball tournament going in the spring. I hope for some support in making this work!


  1. I would Play if there are a lot of people playing and we have good goals

  2. i would so play i love soccer. it like the best sport get togetehr ppl and i woul dplay :P

  3. i also used to play all the time. but then my mom suggested a new sport becasue i was getting too many yellow and red cards because i always did too much contact. hahahaha. now when i play volleyball there isn't any.
    Jenna s.

  4. after a season of banch in alden varsity, i`m ready to play in the park! jordan, when you plan to play I`m in!

  5. Soccer isn't the least thought about sport swimming is, and I in for the soccer game.

  6. yea ill play in the park man nothing like knocking over riccardo something ive always wanted to do time to show him up : p

  7. Sweet! Yeah in the spring we can get something together. This will be sweet

  8. I like scoccer, its okay.
