Monday, November 23, 2009

Soccer Blog and other sports

Well here we go. A blog on soccer... woo. haha. Soccer was my life when i was younger. Nowadays I prefer volleyball. Beach volleyball to be specific. OK, back to soccer... this town is a horrible place for soccer players. For the most part it is the last sport on most people's mind. Oh well, whatcha gonna do? If anyone wants to play in the park, or anywhere for that matter, look me up, I'll be there in a second. Any input anybody?
I'm going to try to get a volleyball tournament going in the spring. I hope for some support in making this work!

Friday, November 20, 2009

It's here!

Assassins Creed 2 is amazing! I've only just scratched the surface of the game so far but what I have seen is incredible. The story line far surpasses the original and so much more in depth. This game leaves you in suspense, but while you wait you travel back in time to become an assassin in training. As the game continues, you learn how to be the ultimate assassin for the sake of the world and revenge.
Well, I've been playing and it hasn't disappointed me. The story line flows smoothly and has a lot of taste. The variety of weapons that are available for use and the way you can use them is stunning. From two hidden blades to an axe, you can battle scores of guards. (Although I don't recommend that because it's easy to get hurt or die in such a large scale fight. But of course I do it anyway...) Basically there is hundreds of ways to kill your enemies. And thats not an exaggeration.
Well, I beat it. The ending cliffhanger to set up the final Assassin's Creed was awesome! I don't want to ruin it for anyone who might yet play it so i'll try to contain myself. The best part is that even though I beat the story, I still have so much to do.
Some of the new features in this game are listed below as per request of Morgan:
Instead of one hidden blade Ezio gets two. Thats right, you can assassinate two people at once. On top of theat they upgraded how you assassinate people which allows you to kill people in so many more ways. You can upgrade your hidden blades, swords, daggers, throwing knives, and another wepon that you have to see for yourself! Also, you have a health bar that doesn't regenerate on its own. There are doctors scattered around the cities that will heal you and sell you medicine. You also can build your own city. (kinda) As you get money you can invest it in your base town which will increase in value and pay you back. I highly reccomend putting ALOT of money into the town, because you may Think you have alot of money, but you don't.You may think 30k is alot of money and decide that you are totally rich. But you aren't. Things get expensive quickly. Very expensive. Oh and you get to fly. Did I mention that? Yeah, Leonardo DiVinci helps you fly. (Along with many other things) It's awesome. Remember Altair? Well if you do these challenging series of side quests you can unlock his armor. FOR FREE! His sword costs over 45k... but the armor is free! Yeah this game is awesome. Get it. Period.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Old School Games.

The Legend of Dragoon.

This game is the game that made me a fan of the original PlayStation. It's graphics are terrible, but that's to expected from one of the games that made modern games possible. The battle sequences are amazing. There are hundreds of creatures to slay and a variety of ways to do away with them. The best part of the battle is the addition system. Instead of just pressing ATTACK and your character slashes, you have to get into rhythm with each character (who have different weapons and different styles of fighting, from a giant axe to fists) and as they slash, jab, or crush the enemy you hit the specified button and they continue their attack until the move in complete or you mess up the addition. The beginning additions are simple, but as you progress it gets much harder. These additions not only make battles more enjoyable, but they give you a glimpse of the characters personality. (the additions are named. ex: Rose's Demon's Dance or Kongol's Bone Crush)
This is one of my all time favorite games, and i still occasionally play it because the story line and battles are just that good.
The picture at the top is one from an epic series of games. Final Fantasy started with Nintendo, and has evolved into one of the most popular games in the gaming world. Everybody who considers themselves a gamer has most likely played at least one of the Final Fantasies. I personally lost interest in them after Final Fantasy X. Everybody's favorite was Final Fantasy VII, but mine is IX. This game had amazing graphics for its time and awesome movies. The battle system was time based so it was fast paced, and the characters themselves brought me back to the original games that VII couldn't.
This is another game I would still playif my disks still worked.... :/

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Yeah. This is me. Sorry dude, but its gotta be done,

Assassins Creed

The original Assassins Creed video game was amazing. It took you from a place of reality and transports you back in time, where the Crusades are in full force. Armies surround you as you take out corrupt leaders from the shadows. You are an assasin who is learning that you can't trust those with influence and power. Every kill you make comes with new information that helps you uncover one of the greatest endings a game has ever hit upon.
The combat in this game is revolutionary. There is finally a game that has realistsic battles, full of blocking and countering, throwing knives, and a hidden blade. It's not a button mashing game like many games nowadays. It's difficult, but not so hard that you want to give up easily.
As an assassin, you are always busy. Whether it's doing what your master assigns you, simply running around killing guards, or jumping off huge buildings into haypiles. The cities that make up your domain are incredible! Every detail is realistic, yet has a sureal feel. You feel as if you are in the city yourself.
This game was amazing. It's sequal is out now. I'm sure to have a blog on it soon.